
5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series

  • 5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series
  • 5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series
  • 5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series
  • 5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series
  • 5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series


5212 Bossna DFC 130Y Casting Leader Series


-Take a flight in your discovery of this wonderful sport with DFC LEADER, an all-roundline at the right price. Knot strength, abrasion resistance and linited stretch are the main features of this dear, value for money reel line. DFC Leader Wheels and Coils provide the ultimate convenience for anglers of every type and experience. Handy size spools fit easily in pockets or tackle boxes. Fit 5 different line types in the same space as a single large spool. Available in all the most popular DFC line types. Merchandise leader wheels prominently on end caps and checkouts to maximize sales.

Fluorocarbon 80% (High-Abrasion resistance)
- This DFC casting leader is designed specially for lure casting. By 80% fluorocarbon and it is smooth, invisible and high abrasive. This is the leader line the anglers looking which is extreme knot strength, shock absorption and fast sinking.

